How it works ?
- I place an ad online for free
- Automatic connections are made every day
- I receive a message alerting me that my item has been found
- I follow the instructions to collect my item
- Make your declaration of lost which will be sent to us immediately.
- If your item is likely to have been found, you will get our contact details and can contact us directly with a reference number.
Attention: it is essential to publish a statement before contacting us.
If you have lost an item or found an item in another region, please post an announcement on the main site.
And it works
Practical sheets
I lost my Flying Blue card
Lost your Flyingblue card? Do not worry, it is possible to get a new card. To do this, you must complete an online application form.
Tips for not losing anything when I fly
Do you soon fly? Here are some tips to avoid unpleasant surprises!
Read "Tips for not losing anything when I fly"